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Текст этого доклада, зачитанный известным российским политиком и
учёным, доктором геолого-минералогических наук, академиком РАЕН В.П.
Полевановым на заседании Института динамического консерватизма еще в
сентябре прошлого года, тогда мог показаться экстравагантной, хотя и
весьма концептуальной, геополитической гипотезой, поскольку  его
обобщения и выводы строились на одной-единственной точке: погодных
аномалиях европейской зимы 2010/2011 годов.

Читать статью на русском.


Text of this lecture, read out by the known Russian politician and scientist, doctor of geologic-mineralogical sciences, academician RANS V.Polivanov on meeting of Institute of dynamic conservatism as early as September the last year, then could show oneself an eccentric, though very conceptual, geopolitical hypothesis, as his generalizations and conclusions were built on an one-only point: weather anomalies of the European winter 2010/2011 years.

However now, when these anomalies recurred practically, arctic glaciers continued to melt, filling with the north aquatoriums of the World ocean millions of cube kilometres of fresh water, and "Euro-atlantic association" all more distinct directed effort on a capture and instituting control it is necessary all deposits of hydrocarbon power mediums of our planet, is a geopolitical hypothesis of V.Polivanov acquires status of "working theory" that necessarily must be meant at an estimation and prognoses of worldwide policy.

If clearly to realize only two things: a 1) dollar of the USA is a quite not dollar of the USA, and dollar of private firm under the name "FRS", 2) the future in the nearest years catastrophic worsening of climate for both sides North Atlantic, - that it is possible confidently to understand seeming inconceivable chaos of the so-called worldwide policy. Chaos is not present! There are the clear operating of FRS(more faithful, standing after her and other " global" structures of group of the interested persons) under a future device itself sweet one on a planet Earth after a sharp drop in temperature in the USA and Western Europe - exactly wherein the so-called "gold milliard" lives on easy street now.

The warm and supercomfort climate of the USA and Western Europe on 90% is conditioned by an ocean flow Gulf-stream, that many so name: "stove of Europe". Power of Gulf-stream is 50 million м3 of warm water in a second, or 1015 kilowatts(one and a half петаватта) of thermal energy. That equivalently on power one million nuclear power plants, that by centuries free of charge heat Europe, USA and Canada(adherent to Atlantic districts). This "thermal addition" on 8-10оС promotes a temperature in Europe and USA, and even on 2оC in Moscow! Average annual temperature of the Russian capital - +3,8оС. Located to much the north Рейкъявик is warmed up by Gulf-stream to +5оС. In Helsinki - on the average +6,8оС, while in being on the same breadth Yakutsk a temperature is -10,2оС. London with Gulf-stream - +11оС, Voronezh(without Gulf-stream), but on the same breadth - +5оС. Berlin - +10оС, and " onelatitudinal" Novosibirsk - - 0,2оС. That creates exceptional terms for agriculture of these territories. Productivity grain-growing in non-black to Germany, France, Great Britain, Sweden, Ireland from 60 to 85 metric centners hesitate from a hectare, and the productivity of black earth Ukraine - only 24 c/ha, in non-black Russia - 12-15 c/ha. In Europe and USA there are not droughts and spring frosts, devastating sowing, and for today the USA with Canada export 100 million т grain-growing, and Western Europe of 50 млн.т. in a year. There the productivity of agricultural cultures only on 5% depends on the vibrations of climate, while for us - on 50%!

A beneficial warm climate, absence of frozen condition of ground and frozen solid of soil, allow to save the trillions of dollars on an infrastructure and her exploitation. Remember the favourite stage from the Hollywood hits, as some moron of type Рэмбо breaks through the wall of house the blow of fist! And it so! Powerful walls are not needed there. Warm. A comrade Рэмбо would try I Think to break through the wall of our house in four bricks!!!, he until now would be in a hospital.

The giant amount of fuel(gas, oil, coal, electric power), building materials, warming materials is saved. It is not needed to build powerful heating plants and heating mains. A population in a warm climate saves on a warm clothing, absence of necessity to feed on more high-calorie food in the conditions of more cold climate. In ten of one times longer, for lack of killing processes of the frozen solid - thawing, roads are saved. Et cetera...

On the whole, Gulf-stream for Europe and USA is tsar's gift to their economies and their population. So they and lived farther. All is grasped! A private dollar is world currency, heat, MASS-MEDIA under control. Reason to itself about the developed democracy(for other, for itself - the constabulary state is the USA), about human(the man) rights, invent to itself rating and draw a zero inflation(to itself sweet one), contest with world terrorism(preliminary creating him, that it will with whom " contest"). In general, businesses a great deal. To hang a noodle on ears on a world scale and to create the "marches of disagreement" - it to you "not lobio to eat". And expensive, and хлопотно. But large-scale trouble happened here. "Costless" Gulf-stream began to pink.

The kitchen of weather is located in North Atlantic and Arctic ocean. The cold and more dense Labrador flow "dives" under a warm and more easy flow Gulf-stream, not mixing to heat Europe him. Then the Labrador flow "comes" up at banks Spain under the name of coldstream of canary Islands, crosses Atlantic, arrives at the Caribbean sea, heated and under the name Gulf-stream without difficulty directed on a north, to Europe. A closeness of the Labrador flow is a key factor of the world prosperity. Not "hotbed effect", not "ozone holes", not technogenic activity of humanity, namely the closeness of waters of the Labrador flow stipulates present position between ice-ages in all North hemisphere. Presently closeness of waters of the Labrador flow only on one tenth percent higher than closeness of waters of Gulf-stream.

In all 0,1% exceeding of closeness, and are palms in London, non-freezing Fiords of Norway, whole-year navigation in the Barents sea.

As soon as the Labrador flow will be compared on a closeness with Gulf-stream, it will leave "to dive" under Gulf-stream, will walk up the surface of ocean and will recover motion of warm waters on the north of Atlantic. It will happen instantaneous even on measurements of human life : 3-10 on all process - and Gulf-stream will be " a power-off". Great associate " eight" of ocean flows will grow into two circular flows, characteristic for an ice-age.

That a process will be maximum sharp, is confirmed by the data about former drops in temperature, got at the boring drilling of ice in Greenland. The temperature of air in Europe for a few years will become Siberian. To live in Europe, Canada and USA, as soon as the Labrador switch will work, will become unbearable. Today palms grow in London, and already tomorrow London will sink in to snow, winter frosts will attain - 40°With, and even reindeer will refuse there to live.

Already now " disappearance" of Gulf-stream goes at full speed, and anomalously cold winters of the last years in Europe are direct investigation of this process by the additional catalyst of that, to all appearances, the large-scale accident of petroleum platform " of SR" of April, 20, 2010 served in the Mexican bay.

At the beginning of May, 2010 the president of the USA Barack Obama named what be going on in the Mexican bay "potentially an unprecedented ecocatastrophe". In the layer of waters of the Mexican bay were found out the spots of oil(one spot long 16 kilometres in 90 meters thick on a depth to 1300 meters).

For a fight against oil-spots on the surface of water dispersible agents families of Corexit were widely used: Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527. About 9 million litres of Corexit, and also the more than 10 million litres of other dispersible agents were added to SR to more than to the milliard of litres of crude oil, that was outpoured during a few months from the mining hole bored by SR on the day of the Mexican bay. A business concern succeeded effectively to hide greater part of oil, putting her on a bottom, to decrease the sizes of federal fine depending on the scales of catastrophe.

But appeared, that pouring out oils in the Mexican bay and mass application of dispersible agents influenced on speed of flow Gulf-stream.

According to satellite data, the North-atlantic flow(Gulf-stream) no longer exists in a former kind, his branch - warm Norwegian flow disappeared together with him.

Reported the first about it already in August, 2010 doctor Zangary, physicist-theorist of Institute from Frascaty, that already a few years cooperates with the group of monitoring scientists in the Mexican bay, : the "Enormous amount of oil, constantly broadening in a volume, embraces such enormous areas, that renders the serious affecting all system of thermal adjusting of planet, by destruction of border layers of warm stream of water. A conveyer in the Mexican bay ceased to exist a month ago, the last satellite data show clear, that the North-atlantic flow presently is not present, and Gulf-stream begins to break to pieces approximately into 250 kilometres from the bank of North Carolina. Termogalin vascular system, where warm waters flow through more cool, render much more effect, not only on an ocean but also on upper-airs, in to seven miles high. Absence of this ordinary phenomenon in east part of North Atlantic violated normal motion of atmospheric streams in summer of this year, as a result high temperatures appeared unheard of in Moscow(to 40°С), droughts and floods in Central europe, with high temperatures in many countries of Asia and mass floods in China, Pakistan and other countries of Asia".

The middle temperature of water in the north of Gulf-stream in August, 2010 fell down on 10оС as compared to before catastrophic 2009 by a year, corking of internal flows appeared in the Mexican bay, and the pump of warm waters of Gulf-stream was stopped at beginning - in the Mexican bay. In Germany two months a contract(during November and December, 2010) was saved stable snow-cover in an about 10 cm thick, what was not already many decades, and unusual for these places frosts coming at nights to stood - 20°С. of the Typical for Europe thaws in winter 2010/2011 was not.

The strongest for the last 100 of cold in December, 2010 covered England. From extraordinary frosts were even closed for a time both London airports. Icy winter rains are in Moscow and area - too "hello from Gulf-stream"(the same picture was observed by a present winter: nipping frosts in Europe and mild weather in Russia).

Expressions of chairman of rule of OAO "Gazprom" are in this connection curious Aleksej Miller, appearing in the Internet of May, 11, 2011 : "Now May, and the volumes of export "of Gazprom" practically correspond to the winter levels. Request for today is almost 500 million cu.m.s". Further Miller gladly named the present European market of gas "flying up to skies" and confidently produced a prognosis December 2011 price on gas in 500 dollars after 1000 м3, adding: "Sure, it is the not last record".

In general, finished badly! That in natural way(from the desaltation of the Labrador flow) could happen during 5-10, happened yesterday. A gulf-stream in a former kind is not present. Officials and official MASS-MEDIA try to fall silent this truly frightful news, but, due to the Internet, news leak. To sink a true about Gulf-stream, in the Internet thousands of horrors and misinformations are thrown in that a climate can change from "gravitational bubbles", from "displacement of axis of rotation of Earth", from "giant protuberances in the Sunshine", from "changing of magnetic-poles of Earth", from a "hotbed effect", from "destruction of ozone layer", from the "explosions of Kaldera of supervolcano in the USA", and also from direct influence of the causeless "global warming" or "global cooling" etc.

"Nursery of democracy and standard of humanism" of planet Earth is the United States of America(such they present itself for provincial persons from other world), in the person of the president of Bush-junior went yet farther. About 1600 American scientists confessed that to them either forbade to use terms "change of climate" and "global warming" in the labours or materials before a publication edited in the necessary key.

As a result quite small people know about the real state of affairs, including the leaders of most countries.

Because of going now processes of freezing of Europe and USA, desertization of agricultural regions, everybody from a "gold milliard" will have to spend anymore per 3-4 thousand dollars in a year(3-4 trillions of dollars), to adjust an infrastructure - 15-20 trillions, support it on-condition in winter - yet pair-three of trillions "green". But this most not frightful. Most frightful - that will be somewhere to take a desideratum heat on the winter heating of milliard of persons, and by something to feed these " gold". I will remind, now the productivity of grain-growing is made in Europa-USA by 60-85 ц/ha, and will make 15-20 ц/ha, now they export 150 mln.t. grain-growing in a year, and it will be necessary somewhere to buy in approximately the same amount of grain in a year. As a result in the west feverish and secret preparation began to the climatic collapse.

Unlike our leaders that always with a clever kind broadcast on television on a theme "that to do"? already after a catastrophe, " guys" from FRS and their devoted colleagues from Europe do not want to starve and freeze. They have the mind to understand that will not dine a dollar and will not heat a house, even if to burn him in stoves. Therefore preparation to Catastrophe goes at full speed, though under other signboards.

We will begin with a heat. That people did not guess about anything, all what be going on with gas masks under the power " sorting" out between Russia, Ukraine, European Union and other participants. Exceptionally from these sorting out allegedly and building of a few " alternative" gas pipelines began. To uninitiated not only simple people but also swingeing majority of heads of the European states belong in essence of what be going on people.

For this reason they so selflessly try to contest with "power expansion" of Russia. Actually essence of what be going on quite another. The Ex-chancellor of Germany Герхард Schroeder declared, that to 2015 Europe will consume on 200 milliards of м3 of natural gas in a year anymore. Now consumes 500 milliards м3/year. From what it? Chemical industry nobody does not gather to increase, and consumption on 200 milliards a м3/year it is planned to increase?! Explanation here one: being badly cold is not desirable. And, as on a command, all planned gas pipelines comport, including notorious " Nabukko".

In addition, after a reconstruction on 40-60 milliards of м3 the carrying capacity of the gas pipeline system of Belorussia and Ukraine will increase in a year.

There were a few amusing incidents at the concordance of gas pipelines, when the leaders of the shallow European states, being not "in a theme", tried to tear off to itself an additional piece under pretence of that, they say, mines on the day of the Baltic sea, or ecology will be violated. The quick as lightning shout " of looking" from the States followed - and already through day-other day the confused mini-leaders signed all necessary documents, sentencing: "Error-с went out. Realized. Will no longer recur".

To be continued

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